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Að skaða æxlunarfærin var ekki óviljaverk

Í bók Naomi Wolf sem byggir á rannsóknargögnum Pfizer kemur fram hvernig áhrifum mRNA bóluefnis Pfizer virðist frá upphafi og meðvitað hafa verið ætlað að hafa skaðleg áhrif á æxlunarfæri beggja kynja. Skýrist nú hvers vegna FDA og Pfizer vildu halda gögnunum leyndum næstu 70 árin. Við lestur bókarinnar verður spurningin um vitneskju lykilstarfsmanna heilbrigðiskerfisins um skaðsemi bóluefnisins vorið 2024, bæði hjá Embætti landlæknis og hjá Lyfjastofnun, áleitnari:

„But what really emerged from the first forty-six reports, was the fact that though COVID is ostensibly a respiratory disease, the papers did not focus on lungs or mucus membranes, but rather they center, creepily and consistently, on disrupting human reproduction.

By the time Pfizer's vaccine rolled out to the public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing babies and significantly harming women and men’s reproduction. The material in the documents makes it clear that damaging human’s ability to reproduce and causing spontaneous abortions of babies is “not a bug, it is a feature.”

Pfizer told vaccinated men to use two reliable forms of contraception or else to abstain from sex with childbearing-age women. In its protocol, the company defined “exposure” to the vaccine as including skin-to-skin contact, inhalation, and sexual contact. Pfizer mated vaccinated female rats and “untreated” male rats, and then examined those males, females, and their offspring for vaccine-related “toxicity.” Based on just forty-four rats (and no humans), Pfizer declared no negative outcomes for “. . . mating performance, fertility, or any ovarian or uterine parameters . . . nor on embryo-fetal or postnatal survival, growth, or development,” the implication being that its COVID vaccine was safe in pregnancy and did not harm babies. Pfizer knew that lipid nanoparticles have been known for years, to degrade sexual systems, and Amy Kelly in fact found nanoparticles, of which lipid nanoparticles are a subtype, pass through the blood-testis barrier and damage males’ Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells. Those are the factories of masculinity, affecting the hormones that turn boys at adolescence into men, with deep voices, broad shoulders, and the ability to father children. So, we have no idea if baby boys born to vaccinated moms, will turn into adults who are recognizably male and fertile. Pfizer enumerated the menstrual damages it knew it was causing to thousands of women, and the damage ranges from women bleeding every day, to having two periods a month, to no periods at all; to women hemorrhaging and passing tissue; to menopausal and post-menopausal women beginning to bleed again. Pfizer’s scientists calmly observed and noted it all but did not tell women.

Babies suffered and died. In one section of the documents, over 80 percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In another section of the documents, two newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as “maternal exposure” to the vaccine.

Pfizer knew that vaccine materials entered vaccinated moms’ breast milk and poisoned babies. Four women’s breast milk turned “blue-green.” Pfizer produced a chart of sick babies, made ill from breastfeeding from vaccinated moms, with symptoms ranging from fever to edema (swollen flesh) to hives to vomiting. One poor baby had convulsions and was taken to the ER, where it died of multi-organ system failure.”IMG_0190


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