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Á Íslandi hefur Samfylkingin „tekið að sér” að gulltryggja lyfjaframleiðendum og stjórnendum íslenska heilbrigðiskerfisins að ekki verði eftirmál umframdauðsfallanna, veikindanna og skaðans á æxlunarfæri beggja kynja af völdum bóluefnanna með því að tefla landlækni fram í oddvitasæti listans sem verðandi heilbrigðisráðherra. Þar með er tryggt að engin rannsókn fari fram hérlendis á skaðsemi mRNA efnanna. Rannsókn sem hægur leikur er að framkvæma með ópersónugreinanlegum hætti með samkeyrslu gagna um bólusetningar við gögn úr heilbrigðiskerfinu.

Í rannsóknargögnum Pfizer sem gerð er ítarleg grein fyrir í bókinni The Pfizer Papers kemur fram að innan þriggja mánaða frá upphafi bólusetninga í desember 2020 lá fyrir að bóluefnin komu ekki í veg fyrir smit á Covid til og frá bólusettum einstaklingi. Orðalagið sem Pfizer notar í eigin rannsóknargögnum um þessa lykilstaðreynd er “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.” Að neðan er örstutt og hvergi nærri tæmandi upptalning á staðreyndum um skaðsemi mRNA bóluefnanna sem fálkaorðuþegunum hjá Embætti landlæknis mátti vera ljós þegar líða fór á fyrsta ár bólusetninganna 2021. Og enn er farið með sprautuna um ganga hjúkrunarheimilanna að fyrirmælum landlæknis. 

Pfizer hired 2,400 fulltime staffers to help process “the large increase of adverse event reports” being submitted to the company’s Worldwide Safety database.

Pfizer knew by April 2021 that the injections damaged the hearts of young people.

Pfizer knew by February 28, 2021—just ninety days after the public rollout of their COVID vaccine—that its injection was linked to a myriad of adverse events. Far from being “chills,” “fever,” “fatigue,” as the CDC and other authorities claimed were the most worrying side effects, the actual side effects were catastrophically serious.

These side effects included: death (which Pfizer does list as a “serious adverse event”). Indeed, over 1,233 deaths in first three months of the drug being publicly available.

Severe COVID-19; liver injury; neurological adverse events; facial paralysis; kidney injury; autoimmune diseases; chilblains (a localized form of vasculitis that affects the fingers and toes); multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (when more than one organ system is failing at once); the activation of dormant herpes zoster infections; skin and mucus membrane lesions; respiratory issues; damaged lung structure; respiratory failure; acute respiratory distress syndrome (a lung injury in which fluid leaks from the blood vessels into the lung tissue, causing stiffness which makes it harder to breathe and causes a reduction of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange); and SARS (or SARS-CoV-1, which had not been seen in the world since 2004, but appears in the Pfizer documents as a side effect of the injections). 

Thousands of people with arthritis-type joint pain, one of the most common side effect, were recorded. Other thousands with muscle pain, the second most common. Then, industrial-scale blood diseases: blood clots, lung clots, leg clots; thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a clotting disease of the blood vessels; vasculitis (the destruction of blood vessels via inflammation); astronomical rates of neurological disorders—dementias, tremors, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsies. Horrific skin conditions. A florid plethora of cardiac issues; myocarditis, pericarditis, tachycardia, arrhythmia, and so on. Half of the serious adverse events related to the liver, including death, took place within seventy-two hours of the shot. Half of the strokes took place within forty-eight hours of injection.


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Þorgeir Eyjólfsson
Þorgeir Eyjólfsson

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